winecolors collection

 Evelyn, Angelo's daughter, is involved in the family business since 2013.

Thanks to her,  in 2017 was born the wine collection "Winecolors”, a new way to interpreter the native grapes working with ancient vinification methods and skin contact.


The ancestral methods


inFermento” and “inFermento rosa” are natural sparkling wines produced using a field of indigenous grapes red and white and left on the lees. 

Fermentation in temperature-controlled stainless steel tanks. 

Bottled in November with crown cup, fermentation continue in bottle, not filtered and no dosage is added.


The orange and the red wines


Evelyn” 100% Verdicchio, destemmed grapes, skin contact for 15/30 days, fermentation at controlled temperature in stainless steel tanks, aging more than one year on the lees followed by at least 4 months in bottle, unfiltered.

Kermes” Sangiovese and Montepulciano grapes, skin contact fermentation for about 15 days, aging in stainless steel tanks followed by at least 4 months in bottle, unfiltered.